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Categories: Eukaryotic Cells#Cell Biology Kit

Mitochondria is the organelle responsible for transforming chemical energy into easily usable energy for the cell. Through the enzyme ATPase releases the energy stored in ATP. The degradation of carbohydrate, lipid and protein molecules is carried out in the cytoplasm, then enters the mitochondria where the Krebs Cycle begins. Subsequently, the electron transport system located in the inner membrane releases energy that is used to form ATP. In addition, mitochondria have their own DNA and RNA, their ribosomes are smaller than those present in the cytoplasm. This organelle has an outer membrane and an inner membrane, which has projections towards the interior, the mitochondrial cristae. The compartment bounded by the inner membrane contains the mitochondrial matrix. The amount of mitochondria and cristae per organelle is proportional to the energy metabolism of the cells.